On January 19, we begin a 5-week session for three adult Sunday School classes. These three classes follow closely from our recent series on Anabaptist Essentials and also respond to the realities of our world. Who are we to be in this context? How can we support one another? How are we to understand the world around us and be instruments of peace amidst the turmoil?
We have heard from a number of you that you would love to join more than one class when we offer multiple ones. We are so glad that you are finding these adult faith formation offerings to be engaging, challenging, and encouraging. Since you cannot be in two places at once, if there is interest we will also offer each of these three classes as 3-hour, in-person gatherings (likely on three different Saturday mornings in late February or early March). More details forthcoming!
Jesus is the Center of Our Faith Fear, Fame, and Faith: Following Jesus Then & Now (readings in the Gospel of Mark)
LEADER: David Holcomb Sundays, January 19, 26, February 2, 9, and 16 at 11:00 a.m. (see Tuesday evening zoom option below) OR Saturday, March 8 from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm at PMC
What does it mean to follow Jesus in a fragile world? In 2024, that question seems highly resonate. However, it was also a question at the forefront for the earliest followers of Jesus. Mark’s Gospel was written in a context of fragility – whether the context was Rome and early persecution of Christians or Galilee / Syria and the destruction of Jerusalem (the two most likely settings). Mark’s gospel is filled with responses of fear and also responses seeking control through power, but Jesus offers a different way: a way of trust and vulnerability, sharing and compassion. Come join us as we ponder the intersections of God’s story and our story.
This class will also be offered on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 Pacific time on Zoom. Contact David Holcomb if you would like to attend the Tuesday evening Zoom sessions. ZOOM LINK
Community is the Center of Our Life The Sacred Work of Grief
LEADER: Karen Hartman and Kim Brandt January 19, 26, February 2, 9, and 16 OR Saturday, February 22 from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm at PMC
Embrace your grief, for there your soul will grow. Carl Jung's classic words speak to the importance of processing grief in healthy and meaningful ways. Grief is the natural reaction to losses of many kinds...loss of expectations, confidence, direction, or purpose as well as the loss of a loved one or a significant life change. Join us, we explore our grief feelings in a safe and confidential setting while gaining helpful tools to integrate grief into our lives. Grief work is sacred work, opening us more fully to the comfort and love of God.
Reconciliation is the Center of Our Work Christian Zionism — What is it? Why does it matter for us?
LEADERS: Mennonite Action PMC January 19, 26, February 2, 9, and 16 OR Saturday, March 1 from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm at PMC
In this class we will look at the Biblical, theological, historical, and political roots of Christian Zionism and its consequences. How did an unusual, 19th century interpretation of scripture become a specific roadmap to the second coming of Jesus and the rapture of his chosen? How did that interpretation of scripture lead to an unbreakable bond between Evangelical Christians and the political state of Israel? What does the alliance of church, state, and military industrial complex mean for the US and us? And how does a person of faith morally navigate this complex landscape?
Faith Formation at Portland Mennonite Church strives to form a bridge between our Christian faith and everyday lives. Our programs are intended to invite people of all ages to grow in faith. At PMC we are striving to be an Anabaptist community, together, with our children, by the grace of God, that is shaped by the life of Christ, that acts with the compassion of Christ, and worships in the name of Christ.