We're glad you're here!This page simply brings together information we hope will be useful to you as we learn to know each other. You are always welcome to simply give us a call if that's more your style.
Every fall, we gather at a Fall Launch Party to share with each other all the ways that we can work together to Seek the Peace of the City. Click here to see a recap of that event. ~The pastors & staff |
What to Expect When You ArriveThe easiest way to get to the the sanctuary is to enter at the main entrance on Main Street. The entrance is handicapped accessible and an elevator lift services each floor of our building. You will be welcomed at the door by members of our congregation who volunteer to be greeters. They can answer any questions you may have and will offer you a bulletin which provides information about the Worship service and also includes announcements about the life of the congregation.
Babies, blue jeans and special needs...Child care for infants to 36 months is available in our Nursery which is located on the lower level during both Worship Services and Sunday School.
What should I wear? Folks at PMC wear anything from shorts to suits. Just come as you are. Hearing aids and large-print materials for use during the Worship Service are available from an usher upon request. The church building has a lift for moving between floors and wheelchair accessible bathrooms on the lower level. Where is Your Creed?Churches in the Mennonite / Anabaptist tradition aren't Creedal but rather Confessional. The broader Mennonite church uses a commonly agreed on Confession of Faith to guide our beliefs and practices. We view this Confession as a living document that is not set in stone for all time (like a Creed) but can be revised from time to time as the Spirit leads.
More about how PMC understands Communion, Baptism and Human Sexuality can be found HERE. Who is Welcome?At Portland Mennonite Church everyone is welcome to join us as we strive to follow the way of Jesus together. Learn more about our work to become more antiracist and inclusive.
What Happens After the worship Service?Many people will introduce themselves to you. We enjoy meeting new people. In the space behind the sanctuary there are often places to sign up for activities or other information about the life of the congregation. (We call this space the Old Chapel BTW)
Do you have Sunday school?Yes, Sunday school at PMC runs through the school year and is from 11:00 a.m. till noon on Sunday mornings. There are Sunday school classes for all ages.
What happens between the Worship Service and Sunday school?There is coffee on the lower level and most people use this time to talk and greet each other.
What is the Worship Service Like?During the school year PMC has a Sunday worship service beginning at 9:30 a.m. followed by Sunday school for all ages which begins at 11:00 a.m.
During the summer months our worship service begins at 9:30 a.m. and there is no Sunday School. What is Children’s Time?During the service all Children will be invited to gather near the front of the sanctuary to listen to a story that connects with the morning's scripture and worship theme.
Do you have a safe child policy?Yes. You can read it HERE
The Covid Chronicles PodcastDuring the pandemic we began listening to eachothers stories and getting to know one another better through this podcast. Click below to learn more.