Finding Connection at PMCSmall Group gatherings at PMC are spaces that relationships grow, people are supported and laughter is shared. Some groups are small and meet often, other groups might be large and meet occasionally. Some are multi-generational, some are not. Small groups here are often dynamic, growing or dispersing as seasons change. They provide a place for spiritual growth, nurture and hospitality. The Small Group Committee helps facilitate three different types of small group gatherings:
PMC MeetupsThese groups are open to anyone who wants to join and typically have a specific focus or activity. They may be a one time thing or happen regularly throughout the year (ex. Bison Coffeehouse Gathering, Bird Game Group, Farm Day, etc.). These groups run throughout the year and we start new groups in the Spring.
Dine with 9Dine with 9 (or equivalent): Involves groups of people that commit to meeting up for a shorter period of time, like 3 dinners. These groups run in late spring and summer.
Small GroupsLonger term, stable/committed small groups. This might be what we traditionally think of as a “small group.” Anyone can sign up to join in the Fall when we have a Small Group Welcoming Process, but groups continue meeting throughout the year.
If you are interested in becoming part of one of these groups, please follow these links to learn more and sign up, or contact Pastor Kristen Swartley. You can also talk with someone from the Small Group Committee to learn more: Micah Engle-Eshleman, Caroline McCarty, and Joan Steininger.