Praying together...
In the Celtic tradition there is a way of praying called a caim - it's an encircling prayer. It is a prayer of trust, a prayer for protection, a prayer for ourselves and for people we are worried about. The simplest way to pray is to extend your arm and with a finger,draw a circle around yourself. Within the circle, call to mind people who you want to hold in prayer and say simply: 'Keep peace within, keep harm without.' Another way to pray (and the way we pray at our Celtic Evensong service) is to face the four corners of the compass: Facing to the west, pray: ‘Circle us Lord, Keep love within, Keep hatred out’ Turn and facing to the north, pray: ‘Circle us Lord, Keep light within, Keep darkness out’ Turn to the east and pray: ‘Circle us Lord, Keep peace within, Keep worry out’ Turn to the south and pray: ‘Circle us Lord, Keep hope within, Keep doubt without’ And then facing west again, the prayer ends: 'May you be a bright flame before us, May you be a guiding star above us, May you be a smooth path below us, And a loving Guide behind us, Today, tonight, and forever.' Peace to you on this Saint Patrick's Day, Rod Stafford |