Annual Review for Curt Weaver
Each year the Staff Relations Committee (SRC) administers annual reviews. The purpose of these reviews is to affirm and strengthen the pastors and staff in their relationships and ministries. While points of stress or weakness may be identified, the goal is always to find ways to encourage growth both personally and professionally. This year, all of the pastoral reviews, for Rod, Britt, and Curt, are ‘minor’ reviews, meaning that we are not making a decision about renewing any of their terms. Each pastor will have a review committee consisting of congregational members, a representative from the Table and a representative from the SRC. (Note: the administrator is reviewed annually by Rod, feel free to contact him if you would like to provide input about Rachel's performance).
The review committee for Curt Weaver would be glad to hear your comments about how he is doing. It is helpful to hear about his performance as well as his character. Specific examples of meaningful ministry or areas for improvement are most useful. Feel free to be candid. Please use the form below to send us your affirmations or constructive feedback. You may also email or call Phil Steininger or Barry Frisby, members of Curt's review team, directly.
Please complete your responses by Sunday, March 14.
The review committee for Curt Weaver would be glad to hear your comments about how he is doing. It is helpful to hear about his performance as well as his character. Specific examples of meaningful ministry or areas for improvement are most useful. Feel free to be candid. Please use the form below to send us your affirmations or constructive feedback. You may also email or call Phil Steininger or Barry Frisby, members of Curt's review team, directly.
Please complete your responses by Sunday, March 14.