It takes all of us to make PMC be the church we love!
At the beginning of the school year, each core ministry was asked to share information about their events and volunteer opportunities coming up this year. This page gathers all that information in one place. Our hope is that you learn about PMC ministries, celebrate our community, and discover ways you might participate in the life of the church.
Small Groups
We encourage the formation of new small groups and meetups within PMC, and help connect newcomers with existing groups. We also help promote “Dine with Nine” dinner groups every spring.
Contact: Micah Engle-Eshleman
We encourage the formation of new small groups and meetups within PMC, and help connect newcomers with existing groups. We also help promote “Dine with Nine” dinner groups every spring.
Contact: Micah Engle-Eshleman
Kitchen Committee / Potlucks / Coffee Time
The tastiest committee at PMC. If you enjoy food and creating a place for connection, come join us. There are three ways you can help: Help with the weekly coffee hour; Help with quarterly events like spring picnic, summer picnic, Wildwood and Thanksgiving potluck; Or be a part of the kitchen committee to continually make what we do, BETTER!
Contact: Bob Burton
The tastiest committee at PMC. If you enjoy food and creating a place for connection, come join us. There are three ways you can help: Help with the weekly coffee hour; Help with quarterly events like spring picnic, summer picnic, Wildwood and Thanksgiving potluck; Or be a part of the kitchen committee to continually make what we do, BETTER!
Contact: Bob Burton
Menno Pride
Menno Pride is a ministry of PMC that seeks to lead the congregation in welcoming and including God’s Beloveds of all genders and sexual orientations. We want radical welcome to become part of PMC’s core mission and culture as we strive to follow Jesus’ way of compassion, shalom and justice.
Contact: Diana Platas
Menno Pride is a ministry of PMC that seeks to lead the congregation in welcoming and including God’s Beloveds of all genders and sexual orientations. We want radical welcome to become part of PMC’s core mission and culture as we strive to follow Jesus’ way of compassion, shalom and justice.
Contact: Diana Platas
Congregational Care Group
The Congregational Care Group is attentive to people and relationships within the congregation. Group meets regularly and elevates confidential concerns, sometimes acting as catalyst for classes, such as grief and mental health. Also administer the Congregational Care Fund for financial assistance.
Contact: Pastoral Staff / Learn More
The Congregational Care Group is attentive to people and relationships within the congregation. Group meets regularly and elevates confidential concerns, sometimes acting as catalyst for classes, such as grief and mental health. Also administer the Congregational Care Fund for financial assistance.
Contact: Pastoral Staff / Learn More
PMC Retreat Committee
This group plans for our annual PMC Retreat: “A woefully under-programmed weekend with friends, food, worship, and indoor/outdoor activities for the whole family, and much more!”
Contact: Randy Lanford, Sarah Holcomb
This group plans for our annual PMC Retreat: “A woefully under-programmed weekend with friends, food, worship, and indoor/outdoor activities for the whole family, and much more!”
Contact: Randy Lanford, Sarah Holcomb
Women's/Men's Retreats
These committees plan for annual retreat gatherings centered around building connection, spiritual growth, rest, and rejuvenation. Our PMC Women’s retreat is coming up next month!
Contact: Lois Gearhart
These committees plan for annual retreat gatherings centered around building connection, spiritual growth, rest, and rejuvenation. Our PMC Women’s retreat is coming up next month!
Contact: Lois Gearhart
Upcoming Events:
Starting Sunday, Sept. 15 Coffee time between worship and Sunday school
September/October 2024 Small Group Welcoming Process
October 25 - October 27 PMC Women’s Retreat
Sunday, Nov. 24 Thanksgiving Potluck
Starting Sunday, Sept. 15 Coffee time between worship and Sunday school
September/October 2024 Small Group Welcoming Process
October 25 - October 27 PMC Women’s Retreat
Sunday, Nov. 24 Thanksgiving Potluck
Sunday School
Please join us on the lower level at 11:00 AM, Sundays throughout the school year, for ages 3 through 5th grade. Google Docs to sign up as a helper can be found on the website under the children @ PMC tab.
Contact: Susan Frisby, CCEC chair
Please join us on the lower level at 11:00 AM, Sundays throughout the school year, for ages 3 through 5th grade. Google Docs to sign up as a helper can be found on the website under the children @ PMC tab.
Contact: Susan Frisby, CCEC chair
Kids Care Club
A year ago, a few of our 3rd & 4th graders recognized that there was graffiti and trash in our PMC playground. They spoke to us and asked if we could help them clean up the mess. They told us that they wanted to find more ways of taking care of God's beautiful creation.
Contact: Danese Jundt, club advisor
A year ago, a few of our 3rd & 4th graders recognized that there was graffiti and trash in our PMC playground. They spoke to us and asked if we could help them clean up the mess. They told us that they wanted to find more ways of taking care of God's beautiful creation.
Contact: Danese Jundt, club advisor
Youth Groups for Jr High and High school
At PMC, Teens in 9th through 12th grades are often referred to as the MYF and students in 6th through 8th grades are simply called the Jr High Youth group. Both groups meet every Sunday for Sunday school and each month for other activities during the school year.
Contact: Curt Weaver
At PMC, Teens in 9th through 12th grades are often referred to as the MYF and students in 6th through 8th grades are simply called the Jr High Youth group. Both groups meet every Sunday for Sunday school and each month for other activities during the school year.
Contact: Curt Weaver
Advent Workshop
Advent Workshop has a rich tradition here at PMC. Our lower-level at church is transformed into a holiday workshop, with stations to build gingerbread houses, do some holiday shopping, and create ornaments. Combine all this with the smells of cookies, fresh coffee, hot cider, the sounds of Christmas music, the laughter of children and the smiles of good friends and Advent Workshop is sure to get you in the holiday spirit. It’s fun to volunteer to make it happen.
Contact: Lisa Gascho
Advent Workshop has a rich tradition here at PMC. Our lower-level at church is transformed into a holiday workshop, with stations to build gingerbread houses, do some holiday shopping, and create ornaments. Combine all this with the smells of cookies, fresh coffee, hot cider, the sounds of Christmas music, the laughter of children and the smiles of good friends and Advent Workshop is sure to get you in the holiday spirit. It’s fun to volunteer to make it happen.
Contact: Lisa Gascho
Upcoming Events
September 13-15 Senior Youth Beach Retreat
September 22 Jr High S’mores and Pizza at Curt’s House
September 29 Kids Care Club Trash pickup Day
December 7 Advent Workshop
September 13-15 Senior Youth Beach Retreat
September 22 Jr High S’mores and Pizza at Curt’s House
September 29 Kids Care Club Trash pickup Day
December 7 Advent Workshop
PMC is blessed to have a vibrant music ministry. Instrumentalists and vocalists from the congregation lend their talents each Sunday to help provide a worshipful experience for all. While PMC doesn’t have a regular choir, we also welcome you to join choirs that form during the holidays.
Contact: Bruce Kuhns
PMC is blessed to have a vibrant music ministry. Instrumentalists and vocalists from the congregation lend their talents each Sunday to help provide a worshipful experience for all. While PMC doesn’t have a regular choir, we also welcome you to join choirs that form during the holidays.
Contact: Bruce Kuhns
Leading Worship
As worship begins, worship leaders offer a brief reflection based on the theme of the day. They also guide the service up to the sermon. Is this something you would be interested in leading?
Contact: Stephen Obold Eshleman
As worship begins, worship leaders offer a brief reflection based on the theme of the day. They also guide the service up to the sermon. Is this something you would be interested in leading?
Contact: Stephen Obold Eshleman
Song Leading
Hymns on Sundays are led by someone who can help the congregation stay on tempo. Song leaders also choose hymns based on the theme and scripture.
Contact: Crystal Miller
Hymns on Sundays are led by someone who can help the congregation stay on tempo. Song leaders also choose hymns based on the theme and scripture.
Contact: Crystal Miller
Children’s Time
PMC views the sounds and presence of our children in our worship services as a gift. Are you called to help children understand the love of God through a story, a demonstration or a simple explanation?
Contact: Lisa Gascho
PMC views the sounds and presence of our children in our worship services as a gift. Are you called to help children understand the love of God through a story, a demonstration or a simple explanation?
Contact: Lisa Gascho
Children’s Worship
Young children aged three to 1st grade are welcome to come to a special time of worship specifically for them. Would you like to help lead a 20-minute child-friendly worship time?
Contact: Curt Weaver
Young children aged three to 1st grade are welcome to come to a special time of worship specifically for them. Would you like to help lead a 20-minute child-friendly worship time?
Contact: Curt Weaver
Visual Set-up
Banners and decorations in the sanctuary change according to the seasons. Sometimes we have special services. Would you like to be involved with making the sanctuary a visually enriching worship space?
Contact: Deb Coates
Banners and decorations in the sanctuary change according to the seasons. Sometimes we have special services. Would you like to be involved with making the sanctuary a visually enriching worship space?
Contact: Deb Coates
Upcoming Events:
October 6 Worldwide Communion Sunday
November 3 All Saints Sunday
December 21 Longest Night service
October 6 Worldwide Communion Sunday
November 3 All Saints Sunday
December 21 Longest Night service
Climate Justice
We are a small committee seeking to encourage Portland Mennonite Church to become a community of alternative practices, grounded in our Anabaptist commitments to simplicity and peacemaking, that responds practically and prophetically to the alarming realities of global climate change. Our activities have included informative vegetarian potlucks, adult Sunday school classes, and written articles.
Contact: David Garen, Andrew Kreider Glick
We are a small committee seeking to encourage Portland Mennonite Church to become a community of alternative practices, grounded in our Anabaptist commitments to simplicity and peacemaking, that responds practically and prophetically to the alarming realities of global climate change. Our activities have included informative vegetarian potlucks, adult Sunday school classes, and written articles.
Contact: David Garen, Andrew Kreider Glick
Racial Justice
Seeking Racial Justice through education, advocacy, and engagement. Join our email list to receive updates about book studies, guest speakers, Bison Coffeehouse group, Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery, Sanctuary of Belonging, and more.
Contact: Sylvia Shirk
Seeking Racial Justice through education, advocacy, and engagement. Join our email list to receive updates about book studies, guest speakers, Bison Coffeehouse group, Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery, Sanctuary of Belonging, and more.
Contact: Sylvia Shirk
Family Promise
Family Promise of Metro East helps children and their families experiencing houselessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. That response includes a year-round shelter and case management toward permanent housing. Portland Mennonite hosts the shelter four weeks a year.
Contact: Susan Voss-Rothmeier
Family Promise of Metro East helps children and their families experiencing houselessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. That response includes a year-round shelter and case management toward permanent housing. Portland Mennonite hosts the shelter four weeks a year.
Contact: Susan Voss-Rothmeier
Night Strike
On the 2nd Thursday of the month, volunteers from PMC can sign up to join Night Strike. This gathering mobilizes volunteers/services, meets felt needs, and develops relationships that transform lives to serve those experiencing homelessness in Portland.
Contact: Kristen Swartley
On the 2nd Thursday of the month, volunteers from PMC can sign up to join Night Strike. This gathering mobilizes volunteers/services, meets felt needs, and develops relationships that transform lives to serve those experiencing homelessness in Portland.
Contact: Kristen Swartley
Welcome Lunch
A monthly lunch that helps to welcome new folks in our community. Signup to host a meal or contribute food for a meal and support this important ministry of building community at PMC!
Contact: Lisa Hughes
A monthly lunch that helps to welcome new folks in our community. Signup to host a meal or contribute food for a meal and support this important ministry of building community at PMC!
Contact: Lisa Hughes
Menno Action PMC
Building upon our historic peace church tradition, we are renewing a vision of Mennonite peacemaking, acting visibly and vocally for a just peace in Palestine/Israel. We are pressing our legislators for a permanent ceasefire, the free flow of humanitarian aid, and an end to US weapons supplies.
Contact: Esther Nelson
Building upon our historic peace church tradition, we are renewing a vision of Mennonite peacemaking, acting visibly and vocally for a just peace in Palestine/Israel. We are pressing our legislators for a permanent ceasefire, the free flow of humanitarian aid, and an end to US weapons supplies.
Contact: Esther Nelson
Sunnyside Mennonite Montessori Preschool has been operating in the basement of PMC for over 40 years now. PMC’s support to this preschool has helped bridge the financial gap of keeping child care affordable for all families.
Contact: Victoria Ensz
Sunnyside Mennonite Montessori Preschool has been operating in the basement of PMC for over 40 years now. PMC’s support to this preschool has helped bridge the financial gap of keeping child care affordable for all families.
Contact: Victoria Ensz
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, Sept. 22, 12:30pm 1st Fall Welcome Lunch
Sunday, Sept. 22 - Sept. 29 Family Promise Host Week
Sunday, Sept. 22 SMMS launches the Willamette Valley Pie sale fundraisers
Saturday, Oct. 12 Oregon Mennonite Relief Sale
Sunday, Sept. 22, 12:30pm 1st Fall Welcome Lunch
Sunday, Sept. 22 - Sept. 29 Family Promise Host Week
Sunday, Sept. 22 SMMS launches the Willamette Valley Pie sale fundraisers
Saturday, Oct. 12 Oregon Mennonite Relief Sale
Adult Faith Formation Team
The Adult Faith Formation team strives to create learning opportunities that form a bridge between our Christian faith and everyday lives. We hope to encourage PMCers to grow in community with one another and grow in faith at all stages of life. We facilitate a number of activities including:
Adult Faith Formation at PMC
Beginning September 15 / 11am on Sundays: "What is an Anabaptist Christian?" We’ll join together for a short presentation each Sunday about three Core Commitments of Anabaptism. We’ll then split into small groups for discussion – including a group for those who are completely new to Christianity. There will be book and pamphlet resources available for those who want to read along.
Coffee & Community:
Drink some coffee and chat with new and old friends in the lower level each Sunday during the Sunday school hour.
Pastoral Transition Drop-ins:
Join someone from the Pastoral Transition team to process any thoughts, questions, concerns, or emotions you’re experiencing during our time of transition at PMC.
Kid’s Care Club – Sept. 29!
We’ll all join the kids for a neighborhood cleanup.
Transition Forums – Once a month in Oct, Nov, and Dec
The Adult Faith Formation team strives to create learning opportunities that form a bridge between our Christian faith and everyday lives. We hope to encourage PMCers to grow in community with one another and grow in faith at all stages of life. We facilitate a number of activities including:
- Adult Sunday School planning
- Resourcing the congregation with books or other materials
- Planning events, workshops, or lectures
- PMC Library (Jenny Snyder)
Adult Faith Formation at PMC
Beginning September 15 / 11am on Sundays: "What is an Anabaptist Christian?" We’ll join together for a short presentation each Sunday about three Core Commitments of Anabaptism. We’ll then split into small groups for discussion – including a group for those who are completely new to Christianity. There will be book and pamphlet resources available for those who want to read along.
Coffee & Community:
Drink some coffee and chat with new and old friends in the lower level each Sunday during the Sunday school hour.
Pastoral Transition Drop-ins:
Join someone from the Pastoral Transition team to process any thoughts, questions, concerns, or emotions you’re experiencing during our time of transition at PMC.
Kid’s Care Club – Sept. 29!
We’ll all join the kids for a neighborhood cleanup.
Transition Forums – Once a month in Oct, Nov, and Dec