Bulletin, February 9
Upcoming EventsFebruary 15 / Game Night @ PMC
Come enjoy a taste of church retreat in the dead of winter. There will be pizza and snacks and a Disney movie room set up for younger children. Begins at 5:30 p.m. February 16 / SMMS Chili Cook off Sunday at 12:15 (following the Sunday School hour) February 23 / Transition Forum “Who are We?” Over the past several months, Kris has met with many in our congregation individually and in groups to talk about big questions concerning the identity of PMC. Come listen to what he has heard. March 15 / Michelle Hershberger Workshop & Pie Potluck Saturday, 6:30 PM July 4-6 / PMC Camping at Champoeg Save the date and contact Lois Gearhart with questions. |
Order of Worship
Ringing the Church Bell Hymn - Holy God, We Praise Thy Name Voices Together 126 Welcoming Words Scripture Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19 Hymn - Taste and See Voices Together 467 Gathering Our Gifts Children's Time (Afterward, children aged 3 to first grade are welcome to go downstairs for Children’s Worship.) Scripture I Corinthians 11:23-26 Hymn - Put Peace into Each Other’s Hands Voices Together 485 Sermon - Renewal at the Lord’s Table Moment for silent reflection Hymn - We Place upon Your Table Voices Together 462 Communion Sharing the Bread and Cup (Everyone is welcome at the Lord’s Table. As you are ready, come to the front or to the Old Chapel. Take the bread and eat it, then take one of the cups and drink. Gluten-free bread is available.) Jesus’ Prayer Announcements Hymn - Thuma Mina Voices Together 834 Charge and Benediction |
Musicians Ari Leatherman, Nancy Good Song Leader Bruce Kuhns Worship Leader Caroline McCarty Children’s Time Tyler Groff Sermon Diane Hooge Ushers Sarah Holcomb, Andrew Yoder, Ken Roupp Prayers after Worship LaVonne Blowers PLEASE PRAY FOR...
Today's Scriptures
Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19
I love the Lord who hears my requests for mercy.
I’ll call out as long as I live because YHWH listens closely to me.
What can I give back for all the good things that the Lord has done for me?
I’ll lift up the cup of salvation.
I’ll call on the Lord’s name.
I’ll keep the promises I made to the Lord in the presence of all God’s people.
The death of the Lord’s faithful is a costly loss in the eyes of YHWH.
Oh yes, God, I am definitely your servant!
I am your servant and the child of your female servant–
You’ve freed me from my chains.
So I’ll offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to you, and I’ll call on your name.
I’ll keep the promised I made to you in the presence of all your people,
in the courtyards of your house, which is in the center of Jerusalem.
I Corinthians 11:23-26
I received a tradition from the Lord, which I also handed on to you: on the night on which he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread. After giving thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this to remember me.” He did the same things with the cup, after they had eaten, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Every time you drink it, do this to remember me.” Every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you broadcast the death of the Lord until he comes.
I love the Lord who hears my requests for mercy.
I’ll call out as long as I live because YHWH listens closely to me.
What can I give back for all the good things that the Lord has done for me?
I’ll lift up the cup of salvation.
I’ll call on the Lord’s name.
I’ll keep the promises I made to the Lord in the presence of all God’s people.
The death of the Lord’s faithful is a costly loss in the eyes of YHWH.
Oh yes, God, I am definitely your servant!
I am your servant and the child of your female servant–
You’ve freed me from my chains.
So I’ll offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to you, and I’ll call on your name.
I’ll keep the promised I made to you in the presence of all your people,
in the courtyards of your house, which is in the center of Jerusalem.
I Corinthians 11:23-26
I received a tradition from the Lord, which I also handed on to you: on the night on which he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread. After giving thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this to remember me.” He did the same things with the cup, after they had eaten, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Every time you drink it, do this to remember me.” Every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you broadcast the death of the Lord until he comes.
Welcome Back Diane Hooge!
We have missed you!
Next Welcome Lunch is February 23
The next welcome luncheon for people new(ish) to PMC will be February 23 at 12pm in the lower level. Please reach out to Lisa Hughes if you would like to attend. [email protected].
Care Packages for College Students
Last chance to add items to the care packages on the stairs by the elevator. If you want to write notes or cards, they are very welcome as well. We plan to send them out this week.
MCC Peace Camp
"If we are silent, then these stones will cry out!" (Luke 19:40). Are you a young adult concerned about the global threats of climate change and forced migration, the groanings of Creation and the shouting out of stones, and eager to join a collective cry for positive change? The Stones cry out Peace Camp from March 10-15, 2025, may be for you! MCC Peace Camps are one-week, hands-on learning experiences for young adults to build community together, experience personal transformation and apply Anabaptist foundations of peace and justice to real world issues. Please register by February 14th.
Out of the office February 17-22
After worship on February 16th, Kris will head up to Elk, Washington to work with the MDS project there. He’ll return on Saturday the 22nd.
WINTER WARM-UP - February 22nd
Albany Mennonite Church (3405 Kizer Ave, Albany) is hosting this year's Winter Warm-Up an event where comforters are knotted before they’re sent via MCC to refugees in countries like Ukraine, El Salvador, Malawi and Zambia. The event runs from 9 AM - 3 PM and you can come and go as you like. No experience is needed, there are plenty of willing teachers. If you will be there over the noon hour, please bring a sack lunch. Questions: Gail Manickam, [email protected].
Adult Faith Formation Saturdays:
The three current Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation classes will also be offered in abbreviated format on the following Saturdays. Join us from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm for a time of faith development and relationship building. Please sign up by adding your name to the list that will be available in each of the Sunday morning classes, or by emailing David Holcomb.
· Saturday, February 22 -- The Sacred Work of Grief
· Saturday, March 1 -- Christian Zionism — What is it? Why does it matter for us?
· Saturday, March 8 -- Fear, Fame, and Faith: Following Jesus Then & Now
SMMS Chili Cook off
Sunday, February 16th, at 12:15 (following the Sunday School hour) you are invited to stay for our 3rd annual Chili Cookoff Fundraiser for Sunnyside Mennonite Montessori School. Please consider signing up in the Old Chapel to bring a pot of your best chili. We'll need at least 15 pots! Or you can simply stay to eat and "vote" for your favorite chili. Each dollar you donate equals one vote. A delicious and delightful way to support SMMS.
Relief for Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference (PSMC) Churches
Several of the PSMC churches have been affected by the wildfires in Southern California. Please consider making a donation toward the needs of PSMC families who have lost homes and to the needs of the wider community. Click here to donate. Thank you for your support
Start a PMC Meetup!
This March, you're invited to join your fellow PMC'ers in a variety of meetups or start one yourself! Meetups range from one-time events to weekly gatherings, and provide a fun way to build community around a shared interest. They are open to everyone at PMC; joining is as simple as contacting the leader to find out the next meeting time or place.
If you'd like to start a meetup, please reach out to anyone on the Small Group Committee (Micah Engle-Eshleman, Caroline McCarty & Joan Steininger) or a pastor, and we'll help promote your group.
Family Promise fundraiser / Save the Date!
Instead of a big auction this year, Family Promise will host an in-person fundraising event that will be fun, interesting and yummy. On April 10th, join us at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church for Greek food, raffles and a keynote speaker. Our speaker will be Kevin Nye, the author of Grace Can Lead Us Home. You may recall this book from last spring when we held an adult Sunday School series on it. Kevin has graciously agreed to come up from Los Angeles to speak at this event! So mark your calendars and join us! A small online auction may also be held this fall.
Audio Visual Team at PMC still needs help!
The A/V group is looking for (2) more team members. If you are interested – at all – reach out to Henry Janzen or to anyone in the A/V group – JJ B, Ryan A, Ethan L, Gordon W, Clark U, Simon OE. We would be happy to answer any questions – obligation free.
We have missed you!
Next Welcome Lunch is February 23
The next welcome luncheon for people new(ish) to PMC will be February 23 at 12pm in the lower level. Please reach out to Lisa Hughes if you would like to attend. [email protected].
Care Packages for College Students
Last chance to add items to the care packages on the stairs by the elevator. If you want to write notes or cards, they are very welcome as well. We plan to send them out this week.
MCC Peace Camp
"If we are silent, then these stones will cry out!" (Luke 19:40). Are you a young adult concerned about the global threats of climate change and forced migration, the groanings of Creation and the shouting out of stones, and eager to join a collective cry for positive change? The Stones cry out Peace Camp from March 10-15, 2025, may be for you! MCC Peace Camps are one-week, hands-on learning experiences for young adults to build community together, experience personal transformation and apply Anabaptist foundations of peace and justice to real world issues. Please register by February 14th.
Out of the office February 17-22
After worship on February 16th, Kris will head up to Elk, Washington to work with the MDS project there. He’ll return on Saturday the 22nd.
WINTER WARM-UP - February 22nd
Albany Mennonite Church (3405 Kizer Ave, Albany) is hosting this year's Winter Warm-Up an event where comforters are knotted before they’re sent via MCC to refugees in countries like Ukraine, El Salvador, Malawi and Zambia. The event runs from 9 AM - 3 PM and you can come and go as you like. No experience is needed, there are plenty of willing teachers. If you will be there over the noon hour, please bring a sack lunch. Questions: Gail Manickam, [email protected].
Adult Faith Formation Saturdays:
The three current Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation classes will also be offered in abbreviated format on the following Saturdays. Join us from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm for a time of faith development and relationship building. Please sign up by adding your name to the list that will be available in each of the Sunday morning classes, or by emailing David Holcomb.
· Saturday, February 22 -- The Sacred Work of Grief
· Saturday, March 1 -- Christian Zionism — What is it? Why does it matter for us?
· Saturday, March 8 -- Fear, Fame, and Faith: Following Jesus Then & Now
SMMS Chili Cook off
Sunday, February 16th, at 12:15 (following the Sunday School hour) you are invited to stay for our 3rd annual Chili Cookoff Fundraiser for Sunnyside Mennonite Montessori School. Please consider signing up in the Old Chapel to bring a pot of your best chili. We'll need at least 15 pots! Or you can simply stay to eat and "vote" for your favorite chili. Each dollar you donate equals one vote. A delicious and delightful way to support SMMS.
Relief for Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference (PSMC) Churches
Several of the PSMC churches have been affected by the wildfires in Southern California. Please consider making a donation toward the needs of PSMC families who have lost homes and to the needs of the wider community. Click here to donate. Thank you for your support
Start a PMC Meetup!
This March, you're invited to join your fellow PMC'ers in a variety of meetups or start one yourself! Meetups range from one-time events to weekly gatherings, and provide a fun way to build community around a shared interest. They are open to everyone at PMC; joining is as simple as contacting the leader to find out the next meeting time or place.
If you'd like to start a meetup, please reach out to anyone on the Small Group Committee (Micah Engle-Eshleman, Caroline McCarty & Joan Steininger) or a pastor, and we'll help promote your group.
Family Promise fundraiser / Save the Date!
Instead of a big auction this year, Family Promise will host an in-person fundraising event that will be fun, interesting and yummy. On April 10th, join us at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church for Greek food, raffles and a keynote speaker. Our speaker will be Kevin Nye, the author of Grace Can Lead Us Home. You may recall this book from last spring when we held an adult Sunday School series on it. Kevin has graciously agreed to come up from Los Angeles to speak at this event! So mark your calendars and join us! A small online auction may also be held this fall.
Audio Visual Team at PMC still needs help!
The A/V group is looking for (2) more team members. If you are interested – at all – reach out to Henry Janzen or to anyone in the A/V group – JJ B, Ryan A, Ethan L, Gordon W, Clark U, Simon OE. We would be happy to answer any questions – obligation free.

Streaming our prayers and
Discovering the Joys of Discernment!
Since the pandemic, we’ve been streaming worship online. Though the pandemic is over, we continue to stream worship and this has been a very important way for those who cannot attend worship in-person to participate in the life of the worshiping community. Recently, several people have voiced concerns about streaming prayer time due to privacy concerns. We want to be accessible to all who find PMC on the web. At the same time, people share personal and sensitive information during prayers. 14 people have filled out the form so far and as you can see from the graphic discernment is hard work. Please talk with Kris or use the online form to share your thoughts about streaming prayers during worship.
Discovering the Joys of Discernment!
Since the pandemic, we’ve been streaming worship online. Though the pandemic is over, we continue to stream worship and this has been a very important way for those who cannot attend worship in-person to participate in the life of the worshiping community. Recently, several people have voiced concerns about streaming prayer time due to privacy concerns. We want to be accessible to all who find PMC on the web. At the same time, people share personal and sensitive information during prayers. 14 people have filled out the form so far and as you can see from the graphic discernment is hard work. Please talk with Kris or use the online form to share your thoughts about streaming prayers during worship.
Land Acknowledgment
As we learn about the Doctrine of Discovery, we recognize that the land on which our meetinghouse is located and the land on which we live was previously home to Native American peoples who were decimated and uprooted as this area was colonized. The Portland Metro area rests on traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes who stewarded the plentiful natural resources in the vicinity of the Columbia River.
We recognize that the present day Native American community in the Portland Metro area is made up of people who originate from over 380 tribes from around the country.
We acknowledge the local federally recognized tribes; the Grande Ronde, the Siletz and the Cowlitz as well as the Chinook Nation, which has been seeking federal recognition for many years.
As we learn about the Doctrine of Discovery, we recognize that the land on which our meetinghouse is located and the land on which we live was previously home to Native American peoples who were decimated and uprooted as this area was colonized. The Portland Metro area rests on traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes who stewarded the plentiful natural resources in the vicinity of the Columbia River.
We recognize that the present day Native American community in the Portland Metro area is made up of people who originate from over 380 tribes from around the country.
We acknowledge the local federally recognized tribes; the Grande Ronde, the Siletz and the Cowlitz as well as the Chinook Nation, which has been seeking federal recognition for many years.