One year ago PMC started on the journey with the Village Support Network. A program from New City Initiative that partners faith communities with families who are moving from shelter to housing. Our Advent Donation Drive last year was collecting household items for their new apartment. At point we did not know who the family would be. We were matched with Pugh family of Arlen, Kelley, Lily, Jacob, Joseph and Jonathan in February.
The Pugh family are doing great. Arlen has been employed by The Old Spaghetti Factory for about 6 months. Liberty Rose was born on September 9. Liberty is a laid back girl and great sleeper which gives Kelley time to do work around the house while the older children are in school. The kids are in new schools, but adjusting and making friends. They are outgoing and a fun family to be around. Their future is bright! While the program is technically over, you may see the Pugh family from time to time. For example, Arlen told me that they plan to attend the Christmas Eve Service. This is the beauty of the program, it’s sustainable and healthy relationships between people who we would have otherwise not met. ~ Rachel Ringenberg Miller In the fall of 2014 we will once again begin the process of walking with another family. If interested contact Rachel.
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November 2024