Thank you to all the volunteers and families that came out and made PUMPKINS FOR PEACE a fun event. People of all ages had a fun time carving pumpkins, pressing cider and eating delicious soup! The money raised will benefit the work of MCC and refugees around the world.
This week the tree that hung over the play ground was taken down for safety reasons on advise from an arborist. Sad to see it go. Do you have memories of playing in this old friend?
An article by Art Bamford reposted here from Fuller Youth Institute There is still a lot of disagreement among scholars as to just how much of an effect violent games have on players, partly because faster processors have made these games much more realistic in recent years. While ongoing research needs to be conducted, there is now enough evidence to comfortably say that playing first-person shooters can be a hindrance to the formation and wellbeing of today’s young people.
Researchers Lavinia McLean and Mark Griffiths published an article in 2013 titled “The psychological effects of videogames on young people: A review” in which the authors catalog and review all the existing data on the subject up to that point. Here is how they conclude their analysis:
November 2024