Voices Together is the new hymnal and worship book for Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada. In a cruel irony, it was published in the midst of the Covid pandemic that made singing together dangerous. On Saturday, June 11 we had the opportunity to learn more about how the 759 songs and 310 non-musical resources can enrich the worship of our congregation as Sarah Johnson and Adam Tice, two of the editors of VT, presented two workshops and lead a song festival.
On December 21, a small group of PMC folks and neighbors gathered for a service of readings, meditative music, silence and prayers. We brought our grief, sadness and pain, trusting that the darkness cannot overcome the light of Christ's love (John 1.5).
Everyone is welcome to join us for our Easter Morning Service at Mt Tabor at 7am. In the early morning we will pray, read Scripture together and reflect on the new day. Please arrive at Mt. Tabor via SE Yamhill and SE 69th Ave entrance. We are meeting near the tennis courts (east) shortly after you enter the park. Afterwards everyone is invited to come back to PMC for coffee and tea in the Old Chapel (upstairs). Last Saturday evening people from Ministerios Restauracion and Portland Mennonite Church met for a singing juntos (Spanish for 'gathering'). We sang traditional hymns like 'Amazing Grace' and current songs like 'Cuan Grande es Dios.' Later we were asked to learn the hometowns of five other people and prizes were given out for, among other things, the longest name of a hometown - Ciudad de Guatemala (17 letters). Afterward we enjoyed tostadas, a common dish in Mexico and Guatemala. We all had a very good time singing together and learning to know each other better.
~ Rod Stafford It did not cross my mind that adjusting the morning service, to accommodate the two services on Easter would be an issue. As I was driving to Mt Tabor to PMC's usual Easter Morning service spot, all I saw was cars. The cars were lined up the side of the road near the spot that PMC's usually meets. At first I thought I was late, but no, it was 7:10am and the service was to begin at 7:30am. I
crept in my car by the picnic area and saw a large crowd of maybe 50 people. Panicked seized my heart! This spot was hard enough to describe and now I was going to have to find another spot! I looked again and noticed they appeared to be leaving the area. Whew. The other group was out of the space a bit before 7:30am and by 7:40 or so a dozen of us had gathered to worship outdoors on Easter morning. It was a beautiful, sunny, warm morning. We had a great view of Mt Hood. Being in nature is one of my favorite places to worship God. In nature, I become more keenly aware of the power and the mystery that is God. Our small group of PMCers, prayed, shared and read Scripture together. We planted flowers to celebrate new life. As we left the space, I couldn't help but wonder, who was going to be the next person or group of people to come here, to look out the magnificent view and thank God for what they had seen? ~RRM |
November 2024